Com. S. Das, Circle
Secretary, AIPAEA (NFPE), Postal Accounts, Assam Circle, Guwahati.
REPLY ----- Thanks for
your concern. The problem of NPS employees are well taken care of by the
NJCA. Please see the Press Statement issued by NJCA on 6th July 2016
after taking the decision to defer the strike which is published in
confederation website. The last paragraph reads as follows------- "The
NJCA particularly notes that the Govt. has set up a separate committee for
reviewing the New Pension Scheme, which has been a matter of concern to all
employees and workers who are recruited to Govt. services after 01.01.2004."
Please also see the para -12 of the Press Communique issued by the Govt.
through Press Information Bureau immediately after the Cabinet decision on 29th
June 2016 which reads as --------- "Para-12--- The Cabinet also decided to
constitute a separate committee to suggest measures for streamlining the
implementation of New Pension System (NPS)". Cabinet decision is taken as
it is one of the important demand of the Charter of demands of NJCA
submitted to Govt. NJCA shall take follow up action on this particular demand
as all of us are very much concerned about this important demand. This demand
is directly linked to the policy of the NDA Govt. as all of you are aware that
it is the previous NDA Govt. which took a Cabinet decision in 2003 to implement
New Contributory Pension Scheme to Central Govt. Employees from 01.01.2004.
M. Krishnan
Secretary General
E-mail: mkrishnan6854@gmail.com
Mob: 09447068125