Sunday, 31 July 2016



11.    Revision of pay from a date subsequent to 1st day of January, 2016.—Where a Government servant who continues to draw his pay in the existing pay structure is brought over to the revised pay structure from a date later than 1st day of January, 2016, his pay in the revised pay structure shall be fixed in the manner prescribed in accordance with clause (A) of sub-rule (1) of rule 7.

12.    Pay protection to officers on Central deputation under Central Staffing Scheme.—If the pay of the officers posted on deputation to the Central Government under Central Staffing Scheme, after fixation in the revised pay structure either under these rules or as per the instructions regulating such fixation of pay on the post to which they are appointed on deputation, happens to be lower than the pay these officers would have been entitled to, had they been in their parent cadre and would have drawn that pay but for the Central deputation, such difference in the pay shall be protected in the form of Personal Pay with effect from the date of notification of these rules.

CLICK HERE to download Revised Pay Rules - 2016.

CLICK HERE to Calculate your Revised Salary.

CLICK HERE for 7th CPC Excel Calculator.


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