Tuesday 16 August 2016


The excerpt of PM's Independence Day Speech on DoP's Payments Bank

Following is the extract in connection with India Post taken from the original Independence Day speech of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Due to information technology, whatsApp, messages, online, e-mail, our post-offices were becoming irrelevant slowly. Post Office is an example of our identity. We have revived and rejuvenated our post offices. It is now linked with poor and small persons. If any government representative gets the affection of a common man in India, it is the postman. Everyone loves postman and postman also loves everybody, but we never paid attention towards them. We have taken a step to convert our post offices into payment banks. Starting of this payment bank will spread the chain of banks in the villages across the country in one go. The benefit of JAN-DHAN Account will also be available and now the MNREGA money through Aadhar Card is also getting transferred in the account of a common man leading to reduction in corruption.

My dear countrymen, when we see train, post office, we also see the unity of India there. More and more efforts we make to unite India and bring change in our system, it strengthens the unity and integrity of our country. For this, we have launched a scheme Mandi e-NAM for the farmers. Today, a farmer can sell his produce in any of the market online across the country. Today, he is not compelled to sell his produce in a market 10 kms away from his fields, at cheaper rates without any income for his hard labour. Now, in the country, through e-NAM, a Network of its own kind, Mandi Network is getting established.

CLICK HERE to watch Video of Hon'ble PM speech.


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