Friday, 2 September 2016


A clarification needs to be sought from Postal Directorate on the issue of counting of induction training period for up-gradation under MACP scheme

A clarification needs to be sought from Postal Directorate on the issue of counting of induction training period” of Direct Recruits in Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant cadre for the purpose of qualifying service in connection with granting financial up-gradations under Modified Assured Carrier Progression Scheme(MACPS). This issue, being a welfare matter, needs to be taken up by all possible levels of offices/officials/service unions with the Government of India/Department of Posts since the favorable orders in this regard will benefit lots of officials of Postal Department across the country. The details of the issue are discussed below.

1) At the time of issue of initial orders on implementation of MACPS by the Department of Posts vide O.M. dated 18.9.2009, it was mentioned in the salient features of the MACPS [given in Annexure-1 of O.M dated 18.9.2009] in top 3rd & 4th lines of Para No.9 at Page 6 of O.M that “service rendered on adhoc/contract basis before regular appointment or pre-appointment training shall not be taken in to reckoning”. As such, the word “or” mentioned before the words “pre-appointment training” in this sentence has prevented to consider pre-appointment training for the purpose of granting financial up-gradations under MACPS. Later, a corrigendum order dated 23.6.2016 was issued by the Department of Posts replacing the sentence of “service rendered on adhoc/contract basis before regular appointment or pre-appointment training shall not be taken in to reckoning” with the sentence of “service rendered on adhoc/contract basis before regular appointment on pre-appointment training shall not be taken in to reckoning”. Consequent on issue of corrigendum replacing the word “or” with “on”, the orders issued on MACPS [vide O.M dated 18.9.2009 and corrigendum dated 23.6.2016] have removed the explicit directions of not to count pre-appointment training for MACPs. In other words, the orders issued on MACPS now are not preventing to consider pre-appointment training for the purpose of granting financial up-gradations under MACPS. However, the orders issued vide O.M. dated 18.9.2009 and corrigendum order dated 23.6.2016 are also not specifically permitting to consider the pre-appointment training for the purpose of granting financial up-gradations under MACPS. 

2) But here it is to mention that as per the G.O.I, DoP&T, O.M. No.16/16/89-Estt. (Pay-I) dated 22.10.1990 and O.M.No.16/16/92-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 31.3.1992 available at Govt. of India’s Order No.(1) below F.R.26 [swamy’s compilation of FR&SR], the training period undergone by Direct Recruits, who are compulsorily required to undergo training before taking up Government employment, whether on remuneration of stipend or otherwise is treated as duty for the purpose of drawing ‘increments’. Keeping in view of these provisions, orders were issued by the GOI, Ministry of Communications & IT, Department of Posts(SPB-II Section) vide order No.44-47/1998-SPB.II dated 3.8.2000 and order No. 44-47/1998-SPB.II dated 27.7.2001 and order No.44-47/1998-SPB.II dated 5.5.2004 to the effect that the period of induction training will also be counted for benefit of promotion under the TBOP/BCR schemes, if such training period were counted for increment in that scale. Recently, orders were also issued by the GOI, Ministry of Communications & IT, Department of Posts(SPB-II Section) vide order No.44-2/2011-SPB.II dated 5.5.2016 extending the benefit of counting of induction training period for the purpose of qualifying service under TBOP/BCR scheme in respect of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant (Direct Recruits only) who underwent training prior to 1.1.1986, as a onetime measure.

3) Since, the induction training period was already ordered to be taken in to account in respect of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant [Direct Recruits only] while granting promotions under TBOP/BCR schemes [which were reckoned/treated as financial up-gradations], the same analogy of counting of induction training period for granting promotions under MACPS needs to be adopted as the promotions under MACPS are also treated as financial up-gradations only. 

4) In the light of various orders issued by the DoP&T and Department of Posts from time to time as discussed above, the following point needs to be got clarified on top priority basis from the Department of Posts(Postal Directorate).

“Keeping in view of orders already issued by Department of Posts in respect of financial up-gradations under TBOP/BCR schemes which were in existence up to 31.8.2008 (i.e. prior to the date of implementation of MACPS), whether the induction training period undergone by Direct Recruits of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant cadre [who have undergone training before taking up Government employment and whose training period was also counted for drawal of increments], shall be counted for benefit of promotion/financial up-gradation under the Modified Assured Carrier Progression Scheme(MACPS) also (or) not”.

Article shared by Shri. G.Nagaraju, Accountant, O/o SPOs, Sangareddy Dn.Telangana Circle


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